
New approaches, new technologies, and new methodologies

Local information ecosystems face demand-side challenges around declining engagement with existing local sources as well as supply-side challenges involving the sustainability of new and existing journalistic institutions.

Key Questions

How can we more reliably and consistently measure supply and demand?

1. Supply

What sources of local journalism and civic information exist in a given community?

  • What are the sources of local information that exist in a given geography including conventional news outlets as well as other trusted local messengers?
  • How rapidly and in what way are these ecologies changing?
  • Who owns what within these ecosystems?
  • How many journalists are employed in a given geography and engaged in local newsgathering activities?
  • How well are existing information sources serving communities in delivering the kinds of local content they need?

2. Demand

What do communities want and demand from local information providers?

  • What are the public’s information needs?
  • To what extent are they met or unmet?
  • How does the public think about choices available to them?
  • What are the local sources of information they trust and use?
  • What are the relevant platforms, channels, and other intermediaries they are using to access information?
Stronger Together

Why is more coordination needed to help local news ecosystems?

Media Organizations

A more coordinated approach will help media organizations large and small make more informed decisions around coverage, investment in distribution channels, and actionable metrics for demonstrating impact and reach.

Funders & Policymakers

Trusted sources with in-depth knowledge and expertise can aggregate and disseminate more high-quality, comparable data to inform decision-making around investments and policy solutions.

Academics & Research Organizations

Collaboration can create new tools for assessing the health of local news and information ecosystems, including documenting and mapping capacity for local news production, analyzing local news content, and understanding audience reach and engagement.

Help shape the future of local news

The LNIC unites researchers, journalists, and funders to rebuild sustainable, data-driven local news ecosystems. Click the button below to join our Slack group, sign up for our newsletter, and more.