About Us

Understanding to support interventions in the Local information Crisis

The Local News Impact Consortium (LNIC) is a collaborative initiative of the research community to establish best practices, common standards, and shared tools and methods for studying the health of local information ecosystems.

Our Goal

Connecting and empowering journalists, funders, and researchers at the local level

The LNIC believes that understanding and intervention in the local information crisis could be improved if researchers, founders, and funders shared a common set of research standards, protocols, and playbooks.

Our goal is to bring together researchers, journalists, and funders around developing a shared set of practices for measuring local information ecosystem health. In doing so, we will enable more systematic evaluation of changes in these ecosystems across geographies and over time.

mapping our progress

We’re just getting started

Our first workshops

After a series of planning workshops in 2023 and 2024, an organizing committee emerged, led by faculty members representing Rutgers University, the University of Texas – Austin, the University of Missouri, Northwestern University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Oregon.

Governance and bylaws

During a 2024 planning workshop, organizing committee members Matthew Weber, Talia Stroud, Damon Kiesow, Tim Franklin, Stephanie Edgerly, Ben Toff, and Regina Lawrence developed a governing structure and bylaws for the LNIC.

Pilot Funding

In December of 2024, the LNIC received pilot funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to research and prototype the proposed best standards and to seek additional funding sources for the project.

Our Leadership

Meet the LNIC steering committee

Damon Kiesow, LNIC Chair

Damon Kiesow

LNIC Chair
  • Knight Chair in Journalism Innovation, Missouri School of Journalism

Benjamin Toff

Research Chair
  • Director, Minnesota Journalism Center
  • Associate Professor, Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Minnesota

Matthew Weber

  • Professor of Communication,  Rutgers University
  • Member of Rutgers’ NetSCI Network Science lab

Johanna Dunaway

  • Research Director, Institute for Democracy, Journalism, & Citizenship in Washington, D.C.
  • Professor, Department of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University

Stephanie Edgerly

  • Professor and Associate Dean of Research, Northwestern University

Regina Lawrence

  • Associate Dean, SOJC Portland at the University of Oregon
  • Research Director, Agora Journalism Center

Natalie (Talia) Jomini Stroud

  • Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and the School of Journalism at The University of Texas at Austin
  • Founding and current Director of the Center for Media Engagement in the Moody College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin

Help shape the future of local news

The LNIC unites researchers, journalists, and funders to rebuild sustainable, data-driven local news ecosystems. Click the button below to join our Slack group, sign up for our newsletter, and more.